
His Mission Possible 2023

Hello Blessers and Prayer Partners! Sharing my 27-day short mission trip newsletter in Bangkok last month. Yes, I will keep praising God about it and I will keep thanking you. He makes all things possible!  His mission is always possible. Rejoicing wherever God puts me, Teacher Jane P.S. Praying for God's will for all of us. 

Thank You!


27 out of 365

Day 27 of 27 How do you end something so fun, so sweet, so unexpectedly amazing? Mission-T ends today but is it really ending or has it just started? My heart is filled with gladness and thanksgiving.  I said yes to Mission-T without expecting anything in return. I was confident that it will be a success because I know God is with me and will be with me every step of the way.  After 27 days, I feel like once again, I have been reborn or maybe untrapped from the comfort of my little dreams? I have taught for 19 years in the Philippines but I have never felt more loved, respected, appreciated and cared for than this month. Maybe because I taught adults this month? Sharing some of the thank you notes my Thai and Vietnamese learners sent me on our last day of class.  Out of a billion people in the world, I know it was God's plan I meet them and share Jesus to them.

English Tea Party

Day 26 of 27 Today is but another extra wonderful and extra beautiful day in my life. Let some of these photos tell you why...  I will write more about it once my heart starts processing the most amazing 27 days of my life that was. ♥️♥️♥️ It was truly a September to remember!   

Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher

Day 25 of 27 Awww, so this is how it feels to revisit your first love.  What or who is your first love?  As for me, it's English. Teaching English.  I have spent my last 4 weeks here at Thailand volunteering as English teacher in a Christian ministry.  Today is our second to the last day in class and I spent some of my time writing thank you notes for my students.  This has been a super duper time for me! My heart is rejoicing and as much as I would really love to stay longer, I know I have to prepare my heart to go back to Cebu. Amen. 

One Sad Tear Drop

Day 24 of 27 I want to share more about my elephant encounter yesterday. Once I posed with the elephant, I saw a giant tear drop on his right cheek. I was affected. I am not an animal lover but I know I am compassionate. (somehow) 😔 So I was telling my friend that it's okay to skip the elephant ride for two reasons, too expensive foreigner rate and my heart is sad to see them toil like that for the pleasure of two-legged human beings.  Then my friend tried to console me in a more elaborate way saying, "Those elephants do not go to heaven." There is a sadder dilemma here than that. It is much sadder to know that a lot more people in the world do not know Jesus and a lot of people have not repented and returned to Jesus. So, I stopped being sad for one sad tear drop for we sure can be sadder for those lost souls who have no Jesus. But the saddest part is if we do not do anything about it!  Sharing my elephely happy moments...⬇️

To the Rivers of Joy

Day 23 of 27 It was a lovely weather to be out. Today was our month-end outreach at the Floating Market. The teachers and the students spent time together exploring the Floating Market. It was a very colorful day. Food, people, laughter and lots of things to buy as souvenirs delighted our senses.  After our time at the floating market, we dropped by Chang Puak Farm to see real elephants. The elephant ride was way too expensive for a volunteer teacher missionary like me so I skipped that. Instead, I posed with an elephant and gave my face away to be kissed for a hundred baht. Hmmm. I'm not sure if it was worth it! 😅 The highlight of the day was the fellowship at the park with singing, praying and my sharing. I was tasked to share my testimony on how I met Jesus in my life. Ate Su translated it to Thai so everyone will surely understand.  It was an incredibly fruitful Sunday.  Thank youuu, Jesus!